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My mistake. These photos don't come from a cheesy newspaper ad, but rather the spread (no pun intended) of Lindsay Lohan in GQ. They named her as "Obsession of the Year." She did an interview with them where she was completely cocky. Here's an excerpt:
GQ: Tell me about an average day in the life of Lindsay Lohan.
LL: It starts out with a 5 a.m. hike through Runyon Canyon to watch the sunrise. Then I go outside, and I try to find the paparazzi. I go down to Robertson Boulevard, try and search for them, find them, and bring them food.
GQ: And then what do you do at night?
LL: Well, of course, I’m sitting at the computer all night.
GQ: Have you ever read anything interesting about yourself on the Internet?
LL: No. I wish they’d be clever and make something up for me.
GQ: After computer time, when do you go to bed?
LL: No later than 9:30 p.m.—ever. On a good night, it’s eight fifteen.
This is obviously a bitter and resentful girl. Perhaps the White Oprah (a.k.a her mother) should give her some of that stellar advice she's so good at handing out. From DListed.
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