Courtney's New Show

Jennifer Aniston showed up to the premiere for Courtney Cox's new FX show Dirt. She looks all buddy-buddy, but I'm sure she seething inside now that one of the other "friends" has a promising future, and that her last movie, The Break Up, was a steaming pile of shit. Even more boring and horrible than her wardrobe.
Does she try to look dull? Perhaps the reason Pitt left her was because she was a drab and mundane as her fashion choices. Courtney's dress is killer, with a bang!
Jennifer is a little dull soemtimes. SHe only dresses up when soemthing big happens like the Emmys, but with no TV in the future, no more red carpet except for premieres at Courtney's show. Does Courtney look different to you?
Jennifer was never my favorite female friend in fact she always came in third. I truly believe she only got the press because of her relationship with Brad Pitt and the fact that she constantly showed her nipples. As far as anything about her that personally would draw attention, I'm still scratching my head.
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